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MSP Mandal's

Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Shri Shivaji College Parbhani

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded
NAAC Accreditation: A+ grade UGC : CPE
DBT Star College, STRIDE, Paramarsh

Programme : B.Sc. with Mathematics as an optional

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  1. Scientific temper will be developed in students.
  2. Students will acquire basic Practical skills and technical knowledge along with domain knowledge of different subjects in the science stream.

  3. Students will become employable; they will be eligible for career opportunities in Industry, or will be able to opt for entrepreneurship.

  4. Students will possess basic subject knowledge required for higher studies, professional and applied courses like Management Studies, Law etc.
  5. Students will be aware of and able to develop a solution oriented approach towards various Social and Environmental issues.

Course Outcomes (COs)

  1. Students will be able to solve problems associated with Limit, Continuity and Derivative of a single/multivariable function.
  2. Students will be able to get acquainted with equations of Right lines, Planes, Spheres, Cones and Cylinders, Transforming the given equation in normal form etc.

  3. Students will be able to draw the graph of different functions with the help of MATLAB software.

  4. Students will be able to get acquainted with basic concepts of sets and their properties, open set, closed set, sequences, limit point of sequences, infinite series and tests for series.

  5. Students will be able to get familiar with general properties of groups, homomorphism etc.

  6. Students will be able to solve various types of linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations.

  7. Students will be able to get ideas about Riemann integration and improper integrals.

  8. Students will be able to understand the basic concept of connectedness, compactness and completeness of metric space.
  9. Students will be able to acquire the knowledge of the notion of vector spaces, linear transformations and inner product spaces.
  10. Students will be able to solve problems using the theory of integers, primes and their distribution, the theory of congruences.

Programme: M.Sc. Mathematics

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  1. Students will be able to apply the Mathematical concepts, in all the fields of learning including higher research, and recognize the need and prepare for lifelong learning.
  2. Students will be able to identify, formulate, and analyze the complex problems using the principles of Mathematics.
  3. Students will be able to crack competitive examinations, lectureship and fellowship exams approved by UGC like CSIR-NET, SET and GATE.

  4. Students will be able to undertake original research on a particular topic.

  5. Students will be able to gain the knowledge of software which will be useful in Industry.

Course Outcomes (COs)

  1. Students will be able to identify the concepts of Normal subgroups, Quotients groups and Isomorphism.
  2. Students will be able to identify the concepts of Continuity, Differentiability and Integrability of functions.

  3. Students will be able to identify the linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients.
  4. Students will be able to describe the Rectangular and Polar Representation of Complex numbers.

  5. Students will be able to explain the design and implementation of digital networks and switching circuits.
  6. Students will be able to identify Normed Linear space, Banach Space, continuous linear transformations, Conjugate space, Banach Algebra, Graph of L.T., Hahn-Banach Theorem and its applications, Open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems.
  7. Students will be able to understand the basics of Topological Spaces and their properties.
  8. Students will be able to understand the concepts of congruence and their properties to solve systems of linear congruences with different moduli using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

  9. Students will be able to identify the roots of the equation and to obtain them by using different iteration Methods. Also to obtain the rate of convergence of Iteration Methods.
  10. Students will be able to understand the main algebraic properties of fields.