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MSP Mandal's

Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Shri Shivaji College Parbhani

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded
NAAC Accreditation: A+ grade UGC : CPE
DBT Star College, STRIDE, Paramarsh

Research: Research projects completed or ongoing

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Research Project Funding/Sponsoring Agency and Funds granted Duration Status
1 Dr. Rohidas S. Nitonde Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE Component -1) UGC  45,00,000 2020-2023 Completed
2 Dr. Rohidas S. Nitonde Developing Mobile Applications for English Language Teaching SRTM University  50,000 2020-2022 Completed
3 Dr. Rohidas S. Nitonde NPTEL IEEE Conference Support  NPTEL IIT Madras  25,000 2019 Completed

Research supervision details

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Research Scholar Date of Registration Research Topic Status
1 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Mr Bhise M B 15-05-2017 Nineteenth Century Feminist Prose Writers in India Awarded on 5th November 2020
2 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Mr Patil C R 15-05-2017 Novels of Khushwant Singh: A Study in Pragmatics Awarded on 25th 3October 2021
3 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Ms Navtake S P 15-05-2017 Children’s Writing to Adult Fiction: An Assessment of Paro Anand’s Fictional Journey Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
4 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Mr Dusunge R B 15-05-2017 Representation of Mumbai in the Select Indian English Novels: A Comparative Study Awarded on 22nd July 2023
5 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Ms Deshmukh S S 13-01-2021 Language and Style: A Comparative Study of Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi and Mahatma Gandhi’s My Experiments with Truth PhD Thesis submitted
6 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Mr Panchal N M 15-07-2021 The Effect of Blended Learning on Achievement of the Learning Outcomes of English Language in Select Z P Primary Schools in Parbhani District: A Study Pre-PhD Final Synopsis Submitted
7 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Ms. Jadhav R. B. 05-11-2022 Representation of Contemporary Life in the Selected Nigerian English Novels: A Study Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
8 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Mr Solanke V G 05-11-2022 Third Generation Nigerian Women Novelists: A Study in Feminism Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
9 Dr. R.S. Nitonde Ms. Neha Choudhary 06-07-2023 —— Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
10 Dr. V.S. Nandapurkar Ms. Jyoti Hanmantrao Thotwe 05/12/2022 Parallel Worlds and Divergent Narratives : A Comparative Study of Themes in the Select Novels of Anita Nair and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Research Ongoing
11 Dr. V.S. Nandapurkar Mr. Yeshwant Bhimrao Makrand 19/04/2023 —— Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
12 Dr. V.S. Nandapurkar Mr. Shivcharan Sakharam Watode 06/07/2023 —— Pre-PhD Course Work Completed
13 Dr. V.S. Nandapurkar Mr. Kishan Rama Gaikwad 05/12/2022 —— ——
14 Dr. V.S. Nandapurkar Mr. Vijay Chandrakantrao Dhapse 05/12/2022 —— ——